Discover Glasgow
Welcome to Glasgow and Scotland
Many thanks for registering for the conference and we look forward to welcoming you to the city.
I hope this will be a good and pleasant stay at this wonderful city and that the congress will be enjoyable, informative and provide an opportunity to network to improve services and treatments for patients with opioid addictions.
I have compiled this brief information sheet with some advice and local information to allow you to plan your time especially if arriving earlier or staying longer than the conference.
The Hilton, William Street, Glasgow, where the conference is taking place has a good number of transport links; there is a web link to the hotel on the conference website. The hotel is lovely and well equipped with restaurants and a pool / leisure facilities. It is in the city centre and there are a number of very good restaurants close by and other alternative hotels.
If you are getting a taxi from Glasgow International Airport, there is a delegate discount available through Glasgow Taxis. Delegates can pre book a taxi by calling +44 (0)141 429 7070 and quoting the appropriate code.
From Glasgow Airport to the city centre (including Hilton) - quote CM7
From city centre to Glasgow Airport - quote CM5
The cost will be £16 for each journey (as saving of 20% on the normal fare of £20)
The journey will take between 20 and 30 minutes depending on time of day and road conditions.
There is a good website for people visiting or staying in Glasgow with lots of information on the city, including maps, history and events
There is a good app for smart phones available “Official Glasgow Guide” by People Make Glasgow (Glasgow City Marketing Bureau) which is free and can be downloaded from the app stores.
We intend to have city maps within the delegate packs for you to use and allow you to explore the city, along with discount vouchers towards the city tours and rail travel, should your time allow.

We hope you will enjoy your visit and time in the city and will return in the future to spend more time either in the city or further afield in Scotland.
Should you require further information or advice, you can e-mail me at and I will try to assist.
I look forward to seeing you at the congress.
Kind regards
Duncan Hill
Specialist Pharmacist in Substance Misuse
NHS Lanarkshire